
Roommate Threw out My Food! Why and What to Do About It.

In this guide, we go through all the solutions, such as how to organize the refrigerator with your roommate, and creating a food communication plan.

Then we talk about if your roommate is throwing out food due to health hazard concerns and the other concerns they may have, what you can do about it.

In all, there are 7 carefully designed plans to stop your roommate from throwing out your food.

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roommate eating mouth open

What to Do When Roommate Smacks Food

My roommate used to smack food, and it was really annoying!

These are solutions that I used, and they worked, plus others which have worked well for other people.

With these 11 solutions, you can stop your roommate smacking food, or make it tolerable.

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stealing food

How to Stop Your Roommate from Stealing Food

If you’re roommate is stealing your food, sadly it’s common problem.

Some roommates take small amounts thinking they can get away with it and you won’t notice, others don’t care and are brazen thieves.

This guide has the 10 best solutions.

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call police

Should I Call the Police If My Roommate Is Stealing My Food

If you call the police as your roommate is stealing food, they need proof that they are doing it, and usually, say it is too trivial a matter for them to deal with.

Also, as you are living with your roommate, legally you have a civil relationship which is done by the civil courts and not the criminal courts that police use for their convictions.

All this means they usually won’t do anything.

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roommate food rules

How to do Roommate food rules

A FREE roommate food rules agreement template.

Plus 65 best pieces of advice on roommate food rules.

It’s taken me about a month to research and write this. Finding out information and experience from loads of different roommates, situations and lots of online research.

This is on top of the 4 years I spent with roommates at college and 7 years being roommates with a friend.

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My Roommate Hates Me and I Don’t Know Why. 51 Solutions!

51 of the best solutions if your roommate hates you.

I had a roommate who hated me. I found it horrible to come home with the energy of someone hating me like that.

Not feeling safe and comfortable in my own home affected almost every aspect of my life.

People have given me great advice for this article; sadly it’s a common problem. I have also done loads of online research to find these answers.

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my roommate snores

My roommate snores, I can’t sleep, what do I do? 31 tested solutions

31 tested solutions for when your roommate snores.

In college, surrounded by students in the room. They snored and they snored loudly! Bleary eyed and annoyed, I had to work out what to do.

My work suffering. Sleep deprived. My social skills went into an abyss as I became more irritated. I endlessly asked friends, did research and found what worked.

This is the list that saved my sanity and education!

They are the best tried and tested methods. To improve this list I asked loads of people about their experiences and spent ages doing online research.

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roommate never leaves room

How to sort out, if your Roommate never leaves the room

57 of the best tried and tested solutions; they’re wide-ranging to help you get the best possible chance of success.

They cover things you can do yourself and solutions that other people can help with. Also, ways you can persuade your college to give you a different room if they’re not being helpful.

roommate doesnt do dishes

What to do if my Roommate doesn’t do dishes

The best ways to get your roommate to do the dishes.

My roommate never did the dishes, so I tried all the methods I could find. I asked other people with roommates, did lots of online research and tested them.

This article shows the methods that work best, and the one that worked with my roommate.